Produse pentru pudră de schinduf (26)

Fenicul în vrac

Fenicul în vrac

El hinojo a granel de Lord Spices Group es una hierba aromática y versátil, ideal para añadir un toque de sabor fresco a sus platos. Con una tradición de más de un siglo, somos líderes en la producción y distribución de hinojo al por mayor, ofreciendo un servicio personalizado que se extiende a nivel nacional e internacional. Nuestro hinojo es cuidadosamente seleccionado y empaquetado en diversos formatos, asegurando su frescura y calidad. Libre de OMG, nuestro hinojo es una opción segura y deliciosa para sus creaciones culinarias.
PULBERE DE FINIC DOALA - Pulbere din plante

PULBERE DE FINIC DOALA - Pulbere din plante

INGREDIENT Foeniculum vulgare
Extract de fenicul - cforb extracte

Extract de fenicul - cforb extracte

Avantages de l'extrait supercritique de graines de fenouil -Santé digestive : L'extrait de fenouil est couramment utilisé pour soutenir la santé digestive. Il peut aider à soulager des symptômes tels que l'indigestion, les ballonnements et les gaz en favorisant la détente du tractus gastro-intestinal. -Propriétés antioxydantes : Le fenouil contient des composés ayant des propriétés antioxydantes, qui peuvent aider à neutraliser les radicaux libres dans le corps. Cette activité antioxydante contribue à la santé globale et peut avoir des effets anti-âge. -Effets anti-inflammatoires : Certaines études suggèrent que l'extrait de fenouil peut avoir des effets anti-inflammatoires, potentiellement bénéfiques pour des conditions associées à l'inflammation.
Iarba comună - Iarbă uscată, Polygonum aviculare, iarbă de nod prostrată

Iarba comună - Iarbă uscată, Polygonum aviculare, iarbă de nod prostrată

High quality dried Common knotgrass herb for wholesale Medicinal, fodder, honey and dye plant. Its herb contains flavonoids, tannins, carotene, vitamins E, C. In scientific medicine, the herb of ergot is used - Herba Polygoni avicularis. The infusion of ergot grass is usually used to treat urological diseases. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Conventional Part of plant:Herb Quantity:up to 30 tons per year Package:As required
Psyllium Bunica 1000g

Psyllium Bunica 1000g

Die Großmutter von Psyllium, auch Mittelmeer Großmutter, ist eine hervorragende Quelle für Ballaststoffe und hat auch einen hohen Proteingehalt. Es wird verwendet, um die Funktionsweise des Verdauungssystems zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus erhöht Faser das Gefühl der Sättigung. Nach dem Kontakt mit Wasser bedecken die Samen mit Schleim und bilden ein Gel, was bei Darmbeschwerden hilft. Es verbessert die Darmbakterienflora, Abschirmung und entzündungshemmend. & lt; 0,01G & lt; 1%*RWS - Referenzfutter & nbsp; <strong> Verwendung </strong> Das Produkt ist nach Vorbereitung bereit zu essen: 2-3 Teelöffel Psyllium -Kuchen sollten mit einem Glas Saft gegossen werden oder Wasser, etwa 20 Minuten lang beiseite gelegt und dann trinken. Wenn Sie das Produkt konsumieren, sollten Sie beim Verzehr des Produkts verwendet werden. Trinken Sie große Mengen Wasser, mindestens 1,5 l. Sie können zweimal am Tag einnehmen, vorzugsweise morgens und nachmittags.
Semințe de fenicul - HoReCa

Semințe de fenicul - HoReCa

Dill seeds have long been added to almost all brines and pickles, in umbrellas with pickled and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper whole umbrellas with seeds are placed, only seeds are used in sauerkraut. Dill seeds go well with meat and fish dishes, any vegetable stew, and especially with dishes of peas, beans and lentils. Use for Sauces, soups, preservation, meat dishes, poultry dishes, side dishes. Taste Spicy Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 16 Fats (g / 100g)… 15 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
pulbere/ fulgi de Moringa organică

pulbere/ fulgi de Moringa organică

bio Moringa Pulver , unsere qualität ist herausragend, da wir ohne entkeimung, extrem gerinnge Keimbelastung haben. Premium bio Moringa -Pulver oder blätter oder Blüten herausragende Qualität, wie Matcha. Selbstverständlich alle "RisikoParamter unterhalt der Grenzwerte!" , wie Nicotin, ETO, ect. COA auf Kundenkosten Asia: 20 kg Gebinde
Chimen Măcinat (Pulbere) 10-25 KG

Chimen Măcinat (Pulbere) 10-25 KG

Fresh harvest, Turkish Ground Cumin (Powder) 10-25 KG options. It is in 10 kilo and 25 kilo PP Sacks. 1*20 DC Loadability: 1000 Sacks. (25 Tons) PACKAGING: 10 KGS (22.05 LBS), 25KGS (55000 LBS) PP SACKS (PE INNER BAGS INSIDE)
Schabziger - Schinduf - Trifoiul Regelui - Schinduf -...

Schabziger - Schinduf - Trifoiul Regelui - Schinduf -...

Schabziger auch bekannt als Zigerkäse, Käseklee oder Brotklee. Fein vermahlen. Herkunft:Deutschland
Pudră de ghimbir

Pudră de ghimbir

Le gingembre est le plus souvent utilisé pour soulager les effets de la grippe et du rhume, ainsi que pour soulager la douleur et les nausées. Il est très apprécié pour ses supposées qualités anti-inflammatoires et pour son influence positive sur le système digestif.La poudre de gingembre est parfaite pour faire du thé, pour affiner les plats et les mélanges d'épices – notamment asiatiques. Une cuillère à café de poudre suffit pour une théière (750 ml). Laissez cuire 5 minutes et dégustez. Conditionnement:250g, 500g, 1kg et vrac
Făină de ciuperci - Ciuperci măcinate

Făină de ciuperci - Ciuperci măcinate

Farinhas de cogumelos O nosso processo de fabricação da farinha de cogumelo Aromas e Boletos consiste em reduzir a pó o cogumelo depois de desidratado, sem adição de qualquer amido ou outro ingrediente. Sugestões: a nossa farinha de cogumelo pode ser adicionada na confecção de qualquer prato, como sopas, molhos, pão, massas, queijo, bolachas, sobremesas, entre outras. Disponiveis: Maitake; Reishi; Shiitake; Boletus edulis; Cantharellus; Agaricus blazei. Composição nutricional por cada 100 g. Gorduras - 1,3 % Carboidratos - 78% Fibras - 14% Proteinas - 15%
Centella Asiatica Extra - ingrediente pentru îngrijirea pielii extracte din plante pulbere de centella asiatica, Madecassoside

Centella Asiatica Extra - ingrediente pentru îngrijirea pielii extracte din plante pulbere de centella asiatica, Madecassoside

Centella asiatica is a perennial herbaceous plant, prostrate stems, slender, rooting on nodes. Alias "thunder male root", "tiger grass". It has been used for a long time in China, India, Madagascar and Africa, mainly for the treatment of skin and mucous membrane diseases. Centella asiatica, can increase the resistance of skin epidermis, specific anti-inflammatory, sedation, detoxification, detumescence effect. It can give the skin elasticity, strengthen the softness of the skin, delay aging, help the damaged tissue to heal and tighten the skin, known as the "all-rounder" of beauty care. Centella asiatica may offer several benefitsTrusted Source for a person's skin due to a range of chemicals within the plant. For example, compounds in Centella Asiatica, including madecassoside, madecassic acid, asiaticoside, and Asiatic acid, may help wounds heal. This is because these compounds increase the amount of collagen and cell layer fibronectin in the skin. CAS. No:34540-22-2 Botanic Name:Hydrocotyle asiatica extract Function:anti-infective agent;,To promote collagen synthesis,
Tribulus Terrestris - Iarbă Uscată

Tribulus Terrestris - Iarbă Uscată

Mountain Rose Bulgaria Ltd is manufacturer and whole seller of 100 % raw material of Bulgarian wild dried herbs,as trybulis terestris herb. We supply this product to our customers worldwide, wholesale. If interested, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be at your disposal!
Semințe de coriandru - #coriandru _ #origine Ucraina _

Semințe de coriandru - #coriandru _ #origine Ucraina _

Origin ukraine _ منشأ أوكراني Parity 99% _ نقاوة ٩٩% Packing in 25 _ 20 kg _ تغليف ٢٥_ ٢٠ كغ
Mentă, Mentă verde, Mentă piperată Mentha Spicata, Mentha Piperita - Mentă, mentă verde din Turcia este un produs de export al Tarege Trade.

Mentă, Mentă verde, Mentă piperată Mentha Spicata, Mentha Piperita - Mentă, mentă verde din Turcia este un produs de export al Tarege Trade.

Mint can be packed in 10 kgs kraft bags. Turkish origin spearmint is an export product of Turkish exporter Tarege Trade.
Grăunțe de Hrișcă pentru Germinare 600g

Grăunțe de Hrișcă pentru Germinare 600g

Green buckwheat sprouts go well with everything green! For example, with herbs, avocado, cucumber, celery. By including sprouted buckwheat in your daily diet, you acquire strong immunity, good health, a feeling of lightness and an excellent mood. Weight:600 g
Făină de mazăre (bio și convențională)

Făină de mazăre (bio și convențională)

sehr feines Mehl, geschmacksentbittert, glutenfrei, vegan, produziert in Deutschland Erbsenmehl, geschmacksentbittert Erbsenmehl wird aus der gelben, geschälten Erbse hergestellt. Der entbitterte, leicht süßliche Geschmack, hellgelbe natürliche Farbe sowie ernährungsphysiologische Vorteile geben Applikationen einen Mehrwert. Ursprungsländer: Italien, Litauen, Baltikum, Tschechien Anwendungen für alle Proteinmehle: -Backwaren -Milchalternativen -Fleischalternativen -Fischalternativen -astaprodukte -Bratlinge -Convenienceprodukte -Snack- und Cerealienprodukte -Pflanzlicher Aufschnitt und Aufstrich -Extrusion -Riegel -Sports-Nutrition -Clean Label Emulgator
Fenugreek en vrac

Fenugreek en vrac

El fenogreco a granel de Lord Spices Group es una especia esencial para aquellos que buscan añadir un toque de sabor y nutrición a sus platos. Este producto ha sido cuidadosamente seleccionado y procesado para garantizar el sabor más puro y auténtico. Es ideal para chefs profesionales y aficionados que buscan mejorar sus creaciones culinarias. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad se refleja en cada paso de nuestro proceso de producción. Utilizamos las mejores materias primas y llevamos a cabo un control de calidad exhaustivo para asegurar que cada producto cumpla con los estándares más altos. Además, ofrecemos un servicio personalizado que nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Cresson de iarnă - Rucola galbenă uscată, Barbarea vulgaris, iarbă de cresson de iarnă

Cresson de iarnă - Rucola galbenă uscată, Barbarea vulgaris, iarbă de cresson de iarnă

High quality winter cress herb for wholesale. Common cress is used as a medicinal plant. The above-ground parts of the plant are collected for medicinal purposes. Its leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, and its seeds are rich in thioglycosides. Crescent has a wound-healing and diuretic effect and stimulates the appetite. Used as an antiscorbutic agent. Stems, leaves and inflorescences, which are harvested during flowering, are used as medicinal raw materials. Soup, puree, and side dishes are prepared from the green parts of the common rapeseed. Mostly young leaves and unblown inflorescences of colza are used in cooking. Its leaves taste a little like mustard. We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances. Country of origin - Ukraine Type:Conventional Part of plant:Herb Quantity:up to 30 tons per year Package:As required
Semințe de mărar - HoReCa

Semințe de mărar - HoReCa

A wreath of stalks and branches of dill in the Roman Empire awarded distinguished gladiators. Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes. Use for Warm and cold sauces, soups, meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish dishes, egg dishes, as well as for pickling. Taste Bitter grass Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 16 Fats (g / 100g)… 15 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
Frunză de salvie - HoReCa

Frunză de salvie - HoReCa

Salvia officinalis is widely used in cooking as a spice. Dry grass is added to soups and main dishes, as well as toppings for pies and other culinary products, among which are egg-rice, cabbage, meat. Use for Snacks, main dishes, drinks, sweet dishes. Taste Spicy, bitter Nutrition value on 100 gr. Proteins (g / 100g)… 11 Fats (g / 100g)… 13 Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 61 Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 410
Semințe de muștar (Galbene, Albe)

Semințe de muștar (Galbene, Albe)

En plus des bénéfices potentiels déjà listés en termes de traitement du cancer, de maladies respiratoires et de courbatures, les graines de moutarde et leur poudre amélioreraient la qualité de la peau et des cheveux. Tout comme la poudre de moutarde, les graines demoutarde sont parfaites pour affiner les plats et les mélanges d'épices. Ils sont utilisés pour la production de moutarde, pour la confectionde marinades pour viandes et poissons ainsi que pour diverses vinaigrettes et sauces. Conditionnement:500g, 1kg et vrac
Nucșoară - Întreagă, Măcinată

Nucșoară - Întreagă, Măcinată

Benefici: la noce moscata ha un caldo sapore speziato ed è ricca di sostanze nutritive come vitamine e minerali: B1, B6 e magnesio. La noce moscata è usata più come spezia per dolci, bevande e piatti piccanti e orientali che come tè. Confezione:Polvere – 250g, 500g e sfuso;
Semolă de hrișcă 800g

Semolă de hrișcă 800g

Buckwheat semolina is buckwheat grits, ranging in size from 300 to 800 microns (the size of semolina). Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:800 g


Benefici: Honeybush è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Fabaceae e proviene dagli arbusti sudafricani. Ha un sapore dolce molto delicato e delizioso. Il tè è stato usato per curare molteplici disturbi dall'inizio del XIX secolo. La maggior parte dei suoi potenziali benefici per la salute sono legati al suo effetto antiossidante.Usi: la pianta essiccata Honeybush è più popolare per la macerazione del tè. Versare 2 cucchiaini per tazza (250 ml) in acqua bollente e cuocere a vapore per 3-5 minuti a seconda delle preferenze di gusto. Una tazza calda di questo tè può diventare parte della tua routine notturna oppure puoi versarla in un bicchiere pieno di ghiaccio per preparare un tè freddo. Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso